About me

I am an artist from Carmarthenshire, born in 1976. I graduated with an honours degree in Graphic Design at Carmarthenshire College of Technology and Art in 1999. Shortly afterwards I embarked on a career as a Broadcasting Graphic Designer for Welsh language TV company Tinopolis.

I took a career break from 2003 in order to be at home with my young children. When my youngest child started school in 2008 I joined my local life drawing class and that is when I rediscovered my passion for art.

Portraits and figurative pieces form the basis for my works. I find people the most interesting subject matter of all, and am fascinated by the challenge of capturing the likeness and character of the person. My approach is very honest, I paint what I see in front of me using a style that comes naturally. I also aim to produce a beautiful and lasting object in the completed work.

I mainly work with water mixable oils or acrylics on canvas or board. I prefer to work from life, but as this is not always possible I also work from photographic references and studies made from life. I plan to continue working and developing my skills.

I enjoy studying the work of as many eminent and influential artists as I can see or read about and admiring a wide range of artists, both old and new. My heroes include Michelangelo, Augustus John, Lucian Freud and Sir Kyffin Williams, to name but a few.

Rwyf yn arlunydd o Sir Gaerfyrddin, a anwyd yn 1976. Enillais radd mewn Dylunio Graffig yng Ngholeg Technoleg a Chelf Sir Gaerfyrddin yn 1999. Yn fuan ar ol hynny dechreuais ar fy ngyrfa fel Dylunydd Graffeg Darlledu ar gyfer y cwmni teledu Cymraeg, 'Tinopolis'.

Cymerais seibiant gyrfa yn 2003 er mwyn bod gartref gyda'm plant bach. Pan ddechreuodd fy mhlentyn ieuengaf yr ysgol yn 2008 ymunais â'm dosbarth arlunio bywyd lleol, pryd y bu imi ailddarganfod fy nghariad at gelf.

Portreadau a darnau ffigurol yw'r sail ar gyfer fy ngwaith. Pobl yw'r pwnc sydd o'r diddordeb mwyaf imi, ac rwyf yn hoff o'r her o gyfleu tebygrwydd a chymeriad rhywun. Mae fy ymagwedd yn onest iawn, ac rwyf yn paentio'r hyn rwyf yn ei weld o'm blaen mewn arddull sy'n dod yn naturiol. Hefyd fy mwriad yw creu gwaith gorffenedig sy'n hardd ac yn rhywbeth fydd yn para.

Rwyf yn gweithio'n bennaf ag acryligau neu olewau y gellir eu cymysgu â dwr, a hynny ar ganfas neu fwrdd. Arlunio bywyd sydd orau gennyf, ond gan nad yw hynny'n bosibl bob tro, rwyf hefyd yn defnyddio lluniau fel sail ac astudiaethau o fywyd. Fy mwriad yw dal ati i weithio ac i ddatblygu fy sgiliau.

Rwyf yn mwynhau astudio cynifer o arlunwyr dylanwadol ac amlwg â phosibl drwy darllen amdanynt a bwrw golwg ar eu gwaith, ynghyd ag edmygu amrywiaeth helaeth o arlunwyr hen a newydd. Ymhlith fy arwyr y mae Michelangelo, Augustus John, Lucian Freud a Syr Kyffin Williams.

My favorite inspirational quotes:

"Drawing is kind of hypnotism: one looks in such a way at the model that he comes and takes a seat on the paper." - Pablo Picasso

"I dream my paintings, and then I paint my dream." - Vincent van Gogh

"Where the spirit does not work with the hand there is no art." - Leonardo da Vinci